How to Configure Zoom for Virtual Drum Lessons

In this article we will cover how the best practices for creating the optimal online learning environment for Zoom music lessons.
This will include:
- What equipment you need to get started
- Where to place your camera/screen
- Zoom settings that need to be changed from default to work best for music lesson conferencing.
- How the lesson format works in practice
- Troubleshooting
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What do I Need to Get Started?
Internet Access
The most important requirement, beyond the equipment you use, is a reasonably fast internet connection. For the video and audio stream to be smooth, you need a minimum of 15Mb/s for the connection. A fibre connection is ideal but not essential.
The other consideration is how far away you are from the Internet router. A Wi-Fi connection should be fine. The best stability would come from an ethernet connection to the router.
Zoom runs on Laptops, Desktops, Tablets and even Phones. A phone screen is a bit small for viewing. Your ideal setup is a tablet or a laptop. Video conferencing requires a reasonable amount of processing power but you certainly don’t need anything more powerful than a standard consumer device.
Ideally, you may already have a drum kit, although it is perfectly fine to get started with lessons on a practice pad. The kit can be either electronic or acoustic. If you are yet to buy, or curious about which to choose, I have written more on the comparison between the two here.
Whether using an acoustic or electronic setup, headphones are essential so that you can hear instructions, play along to music and communicate with your tutor.
Equipment Positioning
In my experience, it is best to place the camera to your left to get the best view of the kit. Either side is fine, or you could even place the camera directly in front of you and angle it over the front of the kit. The key consideration is making your kit and movements as visible as possible to the tutor.