Choose one of the three categories below to browse content related to your purpose. If you, or your child, want to get started with no prior experience, click on Getting Started. If you already have some experience and want to supercharge your progress, click on How to Make Progress. If you want to learn about taking exams, forming bands and playing gigs, click on The Next Level.
Getting Started
All the information you need to start your drumming journey.
Making Progress
Practice tips and techniques for developing your playing.
The Next Level
Performing, taking exams and launching your career as a professional.
Getting Started
This guide is designed to equip those just starting out with the best information and advice to move forward confidently. I discuss the equipment you need to get started, the options you have to learn the basics, and the fundamentals of practice and getting better.
Making Progress
In drumming, you need a base level of competence to be able to play successfully with other musicians. Our most important asset as a drummer is to be able to provide solid time. That means that whatever pattern we are playing, we need to be able to execute it without slowing down or speeding up.
Practice is the key to developing fluency and competence with the patterns and songs you learn. This page outlines the optimum approach to strategically improve your playing and meet your musical goals.
The Next Level
In this section we discuss performing and making music with other musicians. How to approach your drumming as a professional and pursue a full, or part-time, career as a musician.