Practice Room


101: Basic Rock Grooves

Learn the foundation for playing rock and pop music.

201: Snare Drum Independence

Add some dynamic interest and momentum to your grooves by varying your left hand rhythms.

202: ‘Riding’ on the Floor Tom

Move the Snare Drum Independence patterns you learned in the previous lessons onto the toms.

203: Bass Drum Independence 1

Start creating rhythmic variation in your grooves by varying the bass drum patterns.

206: Offbeat Open Hi-Hat Grooves

Open the hi-hat on the offbeats to create energy and excitement in your grooves.

301: Bass Drum Independence 2

Continue to expand the rhythmic variety of your grooves by building further independence on the bass drum.


204: Broken Fill Patterns

Take your fills to the next level by introducing rests to create new rhythms.

205: Tom Accenting Fills

Pick notes out on the toms to create more dynamic fill patterns.

302: Six-Stroke Roll Fills Part 1

Using RLL and RRL combinations to create 8th note triplet fills.

303: Broken Fill Patterns 2

Continue to learn and develop broken rhythms and apply them as fill patterns around the kit.

402: Six-Stroke Roll Fills Part 2

Play six-stroke roll fills as sixteenth note triplets.

403: Five-Stroke Roll Exercises & Fills

Exercises to build competence and confidence with the 5-stroke roll.

404: Seven-Stroke Roll Exercises & Fills

Develop your understanding of the 7-stroke roll and begin to integrate the rudiment into your fills.

405: Broken Fills Around The Kit

Test your time-keeping and independence with these more advanced broken fill patterns.


christmas, christmas tree, backdrop

Getting Ready For Christmas

Introductions to some classic Christmas tunes, including Jingle Bell Rock, Rocking’ Around The Christmas Tree, and Merry Xmas Everybody.